in which i donate my hair

hello everyone!

i used to have long hair. really long hair. i loved it, but it was getting a bit hard to deal with. in early 2017, i decided that i wanted to donate my hair.

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i know. a wild concept. short hair. (@ my friends)

hair donation is when someone with long hair cuts it off and gives it to a charity to make wigs for people who don’t have any hair – for whatever reason.
i donated my hair to the australia alopecia areata foundation, a foundation that aims to improve the lives of people with alopecia. it’s an auto-immune disease that makes your hair fall out, and that hair loss can last for years before it starts to grow back.
this hair loss can be really damaging for self-esteem and self-image, so aaaf (and lots of other charities) make wigs from donated hair for people with alopecia.

k, now you know.

so – my hair was lovely, as i said, but i thought it was time for a change, and if i was going to get 30 centimetres (12 inches) of hair cut off, it may as well go to a good cause. so, one chilly day in august 2017, my mum, sister, and i headed off to get my hair cut.

loooooong hair
me, may 2017. yes, that is a rainbow lollipop. no, i did not eat it on my own.

it was a really crazy experience, to be honest.
for reference, i had long hair from the age 7-13, and was about to cut it to about jaw height. the hairdresser was really cool about it, and didn’t mind when i started crying (oops) as i held the long ponytails of my hair in my hands.

so, yeah! that was that. i procrastinated for ages in sending my hair off, but did so in december 2017. all in all, it was a very… liberating experience, and my hair is growing very well now – it’s past my shoulders.
my mum got an email from the charity i donated my hair to a few weeks after we posted the hair, saying that they’d received it. how cool is that? my hair is going to help someone. dang. that’s cool stuff.

current hair!
my hair today!

if you have really long hair (or not super long, but you get what i mean) and you’re thinking of cutting it off (at least 30cm/12in ish), maybe you could donate your hair! i really recommend it. :))

let's chat!

thanks for reading, everyone! bit of a different post, but it was fun to reflect on.

have you ever donated your hair? if so, what was it like for you?
if not, would you ever consider it?
i’m interested to hear what you guys think.

anyway, i hope you all have a wonderful day, week, month, whatever – and i’ll talk to you later!

charli :))

(all photos are mine. the lovely hermione .gif is from giphy.)

oh wonder: an appreciation post

hello everyone!

oh wonder is a band. and a very good band, in fact.
that’s a starting point. their sound is kinda r&b, kinda electronic, very chill. the duo that is oh wonder is one of my favourite bands, along with twenty one pilots, dodie, vance joy and silence the wolves. they’re definitely in my top 5.

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i really want to let all of you reading this know about this band, because their music is a blessing to this world. (my personal opinion)

Image result for oh wonder self titled

first of all: oh wonder (self-titled). what an album. for a debut, this is a great album. embodiment of calm. some good bops.
listen to drive, lose it, and midnight moon for more upbeat songs.
try technicolour beat, body gold, and livewire for slower, more relaxed songs.

Image result for oh wonder self titled
next: ULTRALIFE. i love this album so very much. it has everything – music for happy, sad, contemplative, angry, or relaxed moods. it has more of a techno feel, but still has that r&b feeling about it.
for happy times, try listening to ultralife or heart strings.
when you’re sad, listen to my friends or slip away.
if you’re thinking too much, play lifetimes or solo.
i could honestly recommend the whole album.

third thing: vocals. yES. josephine, the lead singer in oh wonder, has an incredible voice. her voice, combined with the great singing down an octave by anthony (who also has an amazing voice, wow), makes just a lovely vocal sandwich (sure ok analogy) and it’s an oh-wonderful (ahaha) addition to their songs.

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pretty much, the way that oh wonder plays music – whether its original, or a cover – is distinctive, relaxed, and beautiful, and it’s a different type of music to anything else i listen to. if you don’t listen to their music already, i suggest checking them out on spotify/youtube/some form of musical platform.
let's chat!

thanks for reading, everyone!

i hope you don’t mind the music-y posts, but i’m really enjoying making them at the moment. there’s more writing posts on the way, but they’re still in the works. stay tuned.

do you listen to oh wonder?
if so, what’s your favourite song from them?

from, charli

(all .gifs from giphy)

athletics day; a poem

a scrapbook of memories
memories of days
when we’d run
in the sun
’til the sun slipped away

floating through nothing
landing on clouds
it’s all rough and tumble
there’s cheers from the crowd

to jump, then to fall
perhaps this could be the end of it all

i breathe
as the line
comes ever so near
and i laugh when i race the crumbling fear

of what?

let's chat!

hi all!

this is a lil’ poem i wrote about athletics day at my school, because i had no events on and i was bored.

for some reason, reading this back, it seems so much more *DRAMATIC* than i remember, but that’s ok.
it sorta talks about how we can put pressure on ourselves to do well, and how that fear really isn’t good. but when you really put your heart and soul into something, that fear doesn’t matter anymore.
there’s my thought for the day. 🙂

seriously though, it was actually a really fun day with friends, involving a lot of shrek references, fluoro zinc cream, and some actual athletics at some point. i did the 100m and 400m run, and really enjoyed both races.

i hope you all have a lovely day, and i’ll see you soon!

from, charli

music that’s good when words are hard

hi; it’s charli, who happens to like music a lot and also apparently speaks in the third person.
here’s music for any and all occasions/emotions. enjoy! (all these songs can be found on spotify, by the way. :D)

for when you’re so happy that you smile at everything and you want to bounce around the room and tell everyone how happy you are:

  • lay it on me, vance joy
  • ultralife, oh wonder
  • someone in the crowd, from la la land
  • feel it still, portugal, the man
  • in the middle, dodie
  • hallelujah, panic! at the disco
  • up&up, coldplay
  • ain’t it fun, paramore
  • cheetah tongue, the wombats
  • tear in my heart, twenty one pilots
  • two, sleeping at last

for when your brain is so full your thoughts might turn into virtual confetti but you can’t seem to articulate them:

  • 26, paramore
  • party tattoos, dodie
  • blue mountain road, florist
  • idle town, conan gray
  • cherry wine, hozier
  • ocean eyes, billie eilish
  • drive, oh wonder
  • addict with a pen, twenty one pilots
  • the village, wrabel
  • saturn, sleeping at last

for when you’re crying and you kinda want to keep crying but you also recognise that you need to process your emotions:

(listen in order for maximum coffee and contemplation)

  • the end of all things, p!atd
  • a better life, grace vanderwaal
  • march to the sea, twenty one pilots
  • when, dodie
  • everglow, coldplay
  • 6/10, dodie
  • sleep, flatsound
  • slip away, oh wonder
  • promise, ben howard
  • turning out, ajr
  • instrumental, dodie

for when you’re just in an in-between mood, just average:

  • la vie en rose, daniela andrade
  • green, cavetown
  • without you, oh wonder
  • little light, lewis watson
  • old eden, honeywater
  • hurricane, p!atd
  • straight into your arms, vance joy

for when you’re mad and you just feel the angst radiating from you:

  • lemon to a knife fight, the wombats
  • all about you, oh wonder
  • i write sins not tragedies, p!atd
  • radioactive, imagine dragons
  • car radio, twenty one pilots
  • doubt, twenty one pilots
  • COPYCAT, billie eilish
  • no friend, paramore

and that’s a wrap.


thanks for reading, everyone! do you listen to any of these songs? do you agree with the emotions i paired them with? and do you have any suggestions for these playlists? let me know in the comments.

surprise! sneaky un-motivation-writer’s-block has attacked… again. i’ll try to keep posts reasonably regular, but they might all be musings. just putting it out there.
i’m trying to keep things up to date over on my instagram, so if you’re a fan of instagram, you can follow my happenings there. (there’s a lil’ link in the sidebar – how convenient)

anyway, we’ll see how everything goes.
in the meantime: have a lovely day, everyone! may it be filled with virtual confetti and tasty food and good music. :))

from, charli

wakanda forever: february wrap-up 2018

hi all – i’m sorta taking my blog in a more relaxed direction. just sayin’. look out for that.

february is almost over and it’s been a wild month for me. v busy, with back to school and stuff. it’s been a fun time, though, and this post is all about it.


as i said, february was a long, busy, exhilarating month. here’s some dot points.

  • my youth group restarted – we played telestrations (like chinese whispers, except with drawings), ate cookies, and talked about worship and how its not something about us, it’s about God (v true).
  • i started a new school year! i’m in year 9 now, and it’s already better than year 8 (then again, year 8 was kinda average). we’re already 5 weeks in and it feels like i never left.
  • we had a band practice; with added procrastination – and a xylophone! seriously.
    we worked on a couple of songs – ode to sleep (twenty one pilots), the night we met (lord huron), and of course, literally the only song we can play coherently, riptide (vance joy). it was fun. i laughed the most i had in a while, which i really needed then.
  • my dad and i went to see black panther and it was AMAZING OH MY STARS YES WAKANDA FOREVER GUYS SHURI IS MY QUEEN
    (go watch black panther to see an amazing, beautifully constructed film. with bad puns about sneakers.)

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some musings:

  • no-one likes pythagoras’ theorem. by no-one, i mean me. maths is not fun.
  • vance joy has made new music. sleeping at last has made new music. all around bops, nothing from twenty one pilots yet.
  • projecting one’s voice hurts in the long run.
  • people are deeper than i realise at first glance. people only show the surface, and i barely scratch the surface at said first glance. people are strong. people are amazing.


guess what – it’s back! because i didn’t read much at all. ohh well…

tomorrow, when the war began (3.5/5)
this book takes a while to really get interesting, but when it does, it’s a wonderful book full of suspense and friendship and love. the fact that it’s set in australia made it all the more jarring for me when ellie and her friends emerge from the bush.

it’s all about: some teenagers who come back from a camping trip to find their town under siege, and have to survive the war. they find themselves in situations that will test their friendships, patience, and instincts – if they fail, the results could be the end.

harry potter and the philosopher’s stone (5/5)
i forgot how good this book is.
it’s all about: a young boy who discovers that he’s a wizard and begins a new life at hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry; meeting new friends and new enemies along the way.

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library of souls, peculiar children series (4/5)
again, this book took me a while to get into, but it delivered when i got stuck into it. what a perfect ending to such an incredibly whimsical and well-constructed series. the ending ties up all of the loose ends into one epic, emotional bow.
it’s all about: the adventures of jacob portman, a teenager who plunged into a world he never knew, and found himself at the middle of a feud that could end his kind. he and his companions must fight for their friends and their futures.


this month was a crazy music month.

second of all, band practice, with a xylophone (my fave).
guys… i learnt the ode to sleep rap. and i am very proud of this accomplishment.

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we’re hoping to finish working on a cover of this song, and i’m hoping to sing this song okay-ish.

also also also atlas: year two by sleeping at last is my jam and it’s great. (yes, the whole album) i recommend body, hearing, and two.

wow i painted a thing

finally, i can play a mediocre rendition of impossible year by panic! at the disco on piano, and that’s a fun time. why can’t E flats be that easy to play on guitar? *looks pointedly at barre chord*

here’s my playlist for the month, feel free to give it a listen.

everything else yay

there isn’t really much to say here. more dot points? i think yes.

  • lord of shadows is a good progression from lady midnight. i’m loving it so far.
  • riverdale is a fun time. i’m watching it with my mum, and texting my friend a about it as it happens. she keeps laughing because she knows what happens and i don’t. dang it a. this happened with the mortal instruments as well. (moral of the story, read the thing before a does)
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the perfect use for this .gif.
  • painting is fun. also, i want to do more digital art this year (spoiler: i haven’t done much.)
  • sometimes words are hard. sometimes they’re easy. i’ve started to notice it more. that’s okay.
  • and finally, also, i got (as an early birthday present) tickets to see vance joy. AHHHHHHHHHH. what a bop, okay, i’m really pumped because vance joy is amazing and live music is amazing.
    it worked out well because my dad and his girlfriend wanted to go to the concert anyway, and i was like ‘hey, so vance joy..?’ and my dad was like ‘yeah, one step ahead of you’.

let's chat!

thanks for reading, everyone!
i need to sleep because it’s 10:00pm and i need sleep and also (coincidentally) have to finish a science report in the morning which i (coincidentally) was kinda really procrastinating on this whole time oh dear.
also my fren c is writing a song with words that i wrote – how cool is that? it’s from the poem ‘kids’ that i wrote and she’s taken the words and made ’em sound cool. wonderous.

okay, i’ll see ya all soon. have an amazing week/day/hour/minute/moment.

charli :))

musings 002: golden days


it comes and goes in a flash – and just like that, you’re back to school.

but it’s nice while it lasts.

i like to write down happy memories. i look back at these days, and how they were rimmed with golden edges – and i note the uncertainty that comes with hindsight.


i finished school, and was very sad. moving on. growing up. going forwards. they’re things i’ve never been good at dealing with. most of all, my friends are the main thing i often lean on in stressful times. as someone who stresses a lot, and very much appreciates her frens, (yes i see you reading this c, i know you’re there. is there anyone else? probs not.) the last day of school is an uphill emotional battle.
(why must i be so dramatic??)



i went to a christmas market. the music and the smells and the fairy lights that brushed everything with a warm glow made me feel at home. later on that night, we walked down the main street and felt a little like tourists in such a familiar place. i rambled on the way home about how i felt festive, and swept aside the moments of quiet, anxious dissonance that had whispered at me.

IMG_3225my dad and my sister and everyone went into the city, where we stayed for a night. in fact, it was meant to be more than one night, but i went home. i caught the bus. alone. i felt independent in a weirdly nervous way.
is this what being an adult is?

IMG_3482my band had a practice, in which i was left alone to sing (as my singing buddy™ was on holiday), and we played two (2) songs – riptide, by vance joy; and the stranger things theme song. i don’t really know why music is so liberating, but i feel absolutely on top of the world when i play music with my friends.
nothing matters, in that moment, except the voices of the other three people around me and belting out twenty one pilots lyrics at the top of our lungs.

IMG_3694my frens came back from the other-side-of-the-world (aka europe), and i got to see them both. weirdly, most of the conversation was directed at memes and mundane happenings – not their experiences. i went swimming with both of them – at separate times – and we talked and splashed and acted a little bit like little kids.
afterwards, the thought always occurs to me – “i wonder if i talk too much.”



thanks for reading – talk to you all later. :))


the liebster award

hello all!

so, recently, i was nominated by the lovely apollo (from killjoy) to do? to post? to take part in? the liebster award! this excites me. thank you apollo for nominating me (go and say hello to her – her blog is cool :D)
(also, i’ve decided to stick with short intros, as they’re not really my forte!)

the questions!

do you believe in luck?
um… i’ve never really thought about it to be honest. i guess not? maybe? i’m not sure. all i’d say is that luck might be situational. like, some situations i’ll be like ‘yes, i’m so lucky this is gr8’, but then sometimes i’ll be saying how unlucky i am. does this mean i believe in luck? hard to say. it’s situational. :,)

fluffy flower

do you want any tattoos?
possibly, one day. i want it to be something important, that has some backstory. but getting a tattoo is kinda a long way off for me, as i’m only thirteen, so i have plenty of time to think about it!
floral tattoos are nice, along with star ones. and bible verse oriented ones. and word symbol ones – like ; or …

do you want to be a parent?
i think so. i’d really like to adopt/foster a child, because there are so many kids out there who need a family.
if i don’t end up being a real-life parent, i am a parent to many characters. so i’ll just keep writing stories. :))

do you have any siblings?
yes – i have one younger sister, who i’ll just call r. she’s pretty cool, and we mostly get along. but, as i’m sure everyone with sibling/s knows, that’s not always how things work.

what did you want to be when you were a kid?
i had a lot of dreams for my future job – an artist, a writer, a fashion designer, an actor, a journalist, and even at one point, a dentist (i’m really not sure why.)

at this point, i’m thinking children’s author, but i don’t know how realistic that is. we’ll have to wait and see, i guess. i have no idea where my life’s going, but god’s got things all worked out, and that’s pretty reassuring for me.

what’s the best halloween costume you’ve ever worn?
halloween isn’t a huge thing here in australia, but i’ve been trick-or-treating twice, i think. i wore a pretty cool minnie mouse costume once – purely because of the huge, red tutu i own from doing dance.

what school subject are you best at?
hmm… i’d have to say english. i write and read a lot out of school, so it’s natural for me to read and write in school. all i have to do is stop procrastinating, and all will be well.

do you have any nicknames?
yes – although none of them have really stuck. my dad calls me ‘chach’ (pronounced ch-uh-ch), or occasionally charli bear – i assume this is because he’s been calling me these things since i was born and has never stopped. 🙂

i have a friend at school who calls me ‘ray’ (like a ray of sunshine) because of my happy-go-lucky sort of personality. that’s evolved into a whole sort of ‘immunity’, which pretty much consists of her and the rest of my friends putting up with my horrible puns.

what song is stuck in your head?
currently it’s this is me from the greatest showman. i haven’t actually seen the film (please don’t attack me i really want to see it okayyyy?), but it’s a song i’m doing at school for the vocal group i’m a part of. it’s a bop, so it’s a good song to have stuck in one’s head. my friends constantly kept saying how great the movie is (mainly because of zendaya (i’m looking at you, c)) all through the practice today.

how was your day?
it was good, thanks. aside from maths, today was nice. (i don’t really like maths. :/)

i got to sing, which is a fun time.
and i did a 100m (328ft) sprint in 16 seconds, which surprises me because sprints have never been my forte. c pointed out that it’s because i have had a growth spurt – i’m 5’4″ – since i last did athletics. so that’s nice.

my questions + nominees!

1 – what was your favourite childhood book?
2 – your favourite type of weather?
3 – how do you spend most of your internet time?
4 – what would your ideal travel itinerary look like?
5 – your favourite band? (at the moment)
6 – what school subject would you like to add to the curriculum? (it can be a bit crazy if you want)
7 – coffee? tea? other? none?
8 – what makes you smile, (mostly) without fail?
9 – how would you describe your aesthetic?
10 – is there a song that takes you back to a memory – if so, what is it?

…and that just about wraps up my liebster award – excepting the nominees!

i nominate:


i implore you to wander over and say hello to all of these wonderful people and their equally wonderful blogs. :))

let's chat!

thanks for reading guys!

how was your day? good? bad? somewhere in the average range? let me know in the comments (if you want).

i’ll see you all soon – until then, stay wonderous.

charli :))

bookish: january 2018


hello all!

i read some fantastic books in january (even some contemporaries – i can’t believe it), and that means it’s time for my wrap-up of bookish adventures. let’s get straight into it!

floral divider

lady midnight:
cassandra clare has not yet failed to amaze me with her writing and the worlds inside them, and lady midnight is no exception. this continuation of the shadowhunter universe left me feeling as if indeed, all the stories are true.
in a sentence: two teens and their family, with supernatural powers, are faced with a dark force, a forbidden romance, and many other puzzles which only they can solve.

let’s get lost:
so, as far as contemporary novels go, i’m not the biggest fan. i’d prefer stick with my supernatural-teen-school-magic battle-stories, if that’s ok.
but as for let’s get lost, it was a rare highlight for me. i really loved the short-story style format and the way layla (the mc) touched everyone individually.
in a sentence: one young woman on a long journey touches many lives on her way – healing relationships, bringing families together, and just maybe, falling in love.

ruby redfort; look into my eyes:
what a great book. the ruby redfort books are easily the best middle-grade novels i’ve ever read. (unless we’re adding harry potter into the mix, then we might need to debate some things.)
re-reading this book was a bit of a throwback for me, as the ruby redfort books were some of my favourite books throughout primary school.
in a sentence: a genius 13-year-old named ruby redfort is recruited to an underground agency committed to fighting crime with the brightest of minds.

words in deep blue:
wow – two contemporary books in one month? charli, what is this? anyway, i love the concept of this book, and it was written very nicely. words in deep blue kinda just seems like fun times in a cute lil’ bookshop, but it’s a lot deeper than that, and that’s why i liked it. (even though it wasn’t completely my cup of tea.)
in a sentence: a grief-stricken teenager moves into the city, where she begins to rekindle her childhood friendship, and finds that even though time moves, things don’t always change that much.

ok ok ok so i really love this book and i think you should read it.
i read the delirium trilogy by lauren oliver in 2017, and really enjoyed it – replica was just as good, if not better. also a fan of the two-sided story thing, where you flip the book in the middle – that’s cool.
in a sentence:
there’s two sides to this story – one girl speaks from inside the gates of the mysterious haven institution, and one from outside – and both must come together in light of some new discoveries about haven.

miss peregrine’s home for peculiar children; the graphic novel:
first of all, the original book (by ransom riggs) is incredible and you should definitely read it. second of all, the illustrations (by cassandra jean) are AMAZING. oh, it’s so beautiful, guys. go forth. read.
in a sentence:
a teenage boy named jacob journeys to a lonely island in the british isles after his grandfather leaves him with some childhood stories that are more peculiar than what meets the eye.

let's chat!

so, that’s it for my bookish wrap-up of january 2018! have any of you guys read these books? if so, what did you think of them? tell me your opinions, thoughts, ramble-y ideas, etc… in the comments!

i’ll talk to you soon. stay curious. :))


january wrap-up

charli: *looks at the date* *it’s february 14th*
charli: …
charli: better late than never, right?


ok, hello everyone!
obviously this post is coming a bit late, but i have had SO much homework to start off the term (yeah, i’m back at school – year 9, isn’t that crazy?), and i think it [homework] might stay at a constant for a while. so, i’ll post when i can, but i can’t really prioritise blogging atm.


i was on school holidays in january (yay!), so i didn’t really do much. here’s some dot points to sum it all up.

  • sleeping in!
  • scrolling through instagram
  • swimming
  • got to see my frens who both came back from the other side of the world yay
  • trying not to melt in the aussie summer heat
  • playing guitar
  • we stayed in the city for a couple of nights
  • getting ready to go back to school


ok guys, i’m looking at my list of 6 books, and realising that this post will be ridiculously long if i don’t cut out the bookish section. so, i’m permanently moving bookish into a separate monthly post. it will be posted straight after this wrap-up. 🙂

here’s a spoiler…


this month brought a song that i very much love – it’s called lemon boy, by the artist cavetown (who is a lovely person). the song has a lot of acoustic guitar, so i wanted to learn how to play it.
except, to my dismay, THE SONG HAS BARRE CHORDS.
if you play guitar, you’ll probably understand my suffering.
a barre chord is where you have to place your whole finger across a fret to play the chord. here’s a diagram. you see where it says ‘1’, and there’s a black line across the frets? yeah. that’s ‘barring a fret’. and it can really hurt your fingers and wrist to begin with.

Image result for f#m guitar chord

but, i got there eventually – after a lot of frustration and google searching – and i can now kinda play lemon boy! yay!

as you can most likely see, here is a spotify player – i have decided to put all of my monthly songs onto a playlist that you are welcome to go check out.
i’ve also put up my playlists from previous wrap-ups. :))

some of my top songs would have to be party tattoos (dodie), my my my! (troye sivan), lemon boy (cavetown), and ain’t it fun (paramore).

everything else yay

i started another writing-y project, guys.
and i’m loving it so far. all i’m going to say is that it is in very, very early first draft stages, it’s sci-fi, and it sorta talks about how beauty is more than an outer thing. (not to mention friendship, romance, war, and intergalactic space creatures.)

here’s an aesthetic:


the above images were found on pinterest. they don’t belong to me. :))

let's chat!

thanks for reading guys!
what’s the weather like where you live? i’m still trying not to melt ughhhh

i’ll talk to you all soon, but until then, stay lovely. (and if you’re in australia stay cool if you can :,))

oh! and happy valentine’s day. you’re cool. ❤

charli :))

hi, i’m artsy #1

hello all!

so, i keep a sketchbook, because that’s fun, and drawing is fun, and i like art, and i don’t know how to write intros help, so, here’s a lil’ sketchbook update-y thing!
(man, intros are just so much fun, am i right?)

floral divider


this was painted on boxing day, the day after christmas. i was trying to work out how to shade with watercolour, and it kinda? worked?


this is an oc (original character) that i created, and her name is maisie. i’d like to make a comic/graphic novel about her and her adventures in the future, but i’m sorta writing a novel right now, so it’s just a concept for now. :,)


this page is all over the place, but i really love the eyes in the bottom left. i don’t really know why they have trees growing from them, but sure, why not? it’s a great way to add a twenty one pilots reference. :,)


this page has an unfinished olive from the peculiar children series by ransom riggs (with some weird hands – ugh hands), and a ‘congratulations’ – this is because one of my friends had the sims on her ipod, and two of her sims got married. so i congratulated them. congrats to carolyn and tyler.


this one is easily my favourite in the sketchbook so far. i’m not overly sure why, but it just makes me really happy. :))


these are two of my favourites. 🙂


pinterest picture page

almost every drawing on this page is pinterest-inspired. AND I LOVE IT.
i came up with the moon in the heart – which reminds me of luna from the lunar chronicles, and the long-distance relationships that occur in the books.

i also thought of the broken heart with the flowers – it’s meant to sorta symbolise how you can grow from being broken. (wow, that got kinda deep, kinda fast)

apparently i like drawing abstract hearts? to be fair, these ideas might already exist, but i haven’t seen them before.

let's chat!

i hope you all enjoyed reading this post – do any of you like to draw, or paint, or create some sort of visual art? that’s really cool stuff – if you do, keep it up, because the world needs your creativity. :))

i’ve been drawing a lot recently, because i’m on school holidays, but i go back to school next tuesday. :p
(even though i’m kinda a bit excited because i get to see all of my friends and the subjects in year 9 are really cool.)
anyway, i’ll talk to you all soon!
good day, good night, and good bye.

from, charli